Levitt upclose concerts

get UpClose with new artists in unique spaces

black opry Levitt UpClose


New Music


Discover new music - at each show, hear 3 artists each with a different style and find something new to love!



Unique Venues


Let's keep the music playing, even though it's cold outside! Intimate spaces where music usually isn't experienced will keep the Levitt vibe alive all winter long.


Paige Beller Levitt UpClose
Friends Reconnect at UpClose




Catch up with old friends, and make new ones all through the power of live music. And your ticket fee supports our free summer concert series! 

How it works!

Think of our new UpClose experience as a musical speak easy.

  1. Purchase your ticket

We'll outline the general location & rules of the concert but the specific location and bands will be a mystery.

  2.  Wait and see!

36 hours before the show we'll send ticket holders an email announcing the location and other important info. You'll find out who the artist are at the concert.

  3.   Keep it going!

We'll follow up with an email after the concert with info about the artists and venue so you can follow them and share with your friends. You'll also be one of the first to know about the next UpClose event!

See Event Dates
Tender Mercy Logo

Keep the vibes alive and once the show is over, head to the official after party at Tender Mercy!

Thanks To Our Sponsor

With the support of our sponsor, we’re able to present this new and exciting offering outside of the summer free concert series!

care source foundation