Who is the Levitt Pavilion Dayton? – A Tri-Party Agreement

< Back to News / February 21, 2020
Who is the Levitt Pavilion Dayton? – A Tri-Party Agreement feature image

We’ve received many questions surrounding the topic of this blog, so we decided to try and give you a high-level overview.

Is the Levitt Pavilion a national organization? The City of Dayton? A local non-profit?

Typically, if you are referring to the Levitt Pavilion Dayton you are thinking of the venue located at the corner of Fifth and Main Street. This venue is viable due to a private-public partnership. This partnership is between the local non-profit Friends of Levitt Pavilion Dayton, the City of Dayton and the Mortimer and Mimi Levitt Foundation. The Friends of Levitt Pavilion Dayton is responsible for programming the summer concert season, operating the venue, and fundraising to provide access to 50 free concerts in Downtown Dayton! This organization is made up of a staff of three and a board of 16 – all Daytonians – working year-round to break down the barriers of high-caliber performing arts for all. (In fact, we’re the ones bring you this blog!)

The Tri-Party Agreement

We can’t do it alone! This partnership is defined by an agreement called a “Tri-Party Agreement” and is designed to make us sustainable for decades to come.

To summarize it very briefly, the Mortimer & Mimi Levitt Foundation provides a portion of monetary operating support and budget relief. You can learn more about all they do across the country at levitt.org. The City of Dayton provides support through grounds maintenance, utilities, and security so that the focus of the Friends of Levitt Pavilion budget can be on activating the venue and producing high caliber concerts all summer long.

That overly simplifies a complex agreement. The easiest way to keep it all straight is that when you think of free concerts in Downtown Dayton remember that it is through the collaboration and partnership of our local staff, board, and volunteers of the “Friends of Levitt Pavilion Dayton”, the City of Dayton and the Mortimer & Mimi Levitt Foundation.

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